Definició: En general, l’arada és l’instrument agrícola que permet d’o翻訳 - Definició: En general, l’arada és l’instrument agrícola que permet d’o英語言う方法

Definició: En general, l’arada és l

Definició: En general, l’arada és l’instrument agrícola que permet d’obrir solcs a la térra, generalment per tal de condicionar-la millor per a la sembra (adequació de 1’ estructura física del sòl, aeració, destrucció de males herbes,...); sol ésser tirat per bèsties (bous, cavalls,...) o per un tractor.
Específicament, l’arada de costat era una fulla de ferro triangular, la relia, fixada a una peça de fusta, el dental, a la qual s’hi unia per mitjà d una peça corba, dita la cameta, el fusell on anaven junyits els animals (que es deia camatimo, timó, espigó, espiga,...). I d’aquesta peça de fusta o dental arrencava, en la seva part posterior, una peça corba, Testeva. Així, l’espigó era el fusell on anava junyit l’animal. Mentre que Testeva era l’instrument dirigent.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Definition: in general, the plow is the agricultural instrument that allows to open grooves on the térra, generally in order to condition-the best for planting (adaptation of 1 physical structure of the soil, aeració, destruction of weeds, etc.); the Sun being pulled by beasts (oxen, horses, etc.) or by a tractor.Specifically, the plow was a triangular iron sheet side, the relia, fixed to a piece of wood, the dental, to which it is connected by means of a curved piece, saying the cameta, the rifle where they were junyits animals (called camatimo, helm, breakwater, herringbone, etc.). And this piece of wood or in the back ripped dental, a piece of curve, Testeva. Thus, the breakwater was the rifle which went junyit the animal. While Testeva was the leading instrument.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Definition: In general, the plow is the tool that allows open agricultural furrows in the ground, usually in order to better prepare it for planting (1 matching physical structure of soil aeration, destruction of weeds herbs, ...) is usually pulled by animals (cattle, horses, ...) or by a tractor.
Specifically, the plow blade side was a triangular iron, the Reliant, attached to a piece of wood, dental, which is 'are linked by means of a curved piece, called the Cameta, where the gun went junyits animals (named camatimo, thyme, breakwater, spike ...). And this piece of wood or dental tore at his back, a curved piece, TestEvent. Thus, the pier was where the gun was June the animal. While the instrument was TestEvent leader.
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