La primera convocatòria de la beca d’investigació “Dr. Agustí M. Gibert” en 1992 i el seu posterior desenvolupament durant aquell any i el 1993 va tomar a despertar les més primerenques inquietuds investigadores en l’autor que us escriu això, quan justament ja feia uns quinze anys que em dedicava a la recerca històrica superior i quan creia erròniament haver aconseguit moltes de les fites acadèmiques que entraven dintre de les meves possibilitats inicials.
No vaig presentar-me a aquella convocatòria, sinó que precisament vaig contribuir a organitzar-la. Aquesta tasca em va introduir en un nou món de recerca, amb projecció històrica, ple de moltes possibilitats que restaven pràcticament verges pel que fa a casa nostra. Així, aquesta introducció a l’adjunt diccionari de les eines agrícoles històriques de Vila-seca és alhora una justificació del treball que es presenta. S’hi barregen elements personals, de poble i generals que ens poden introduir millor en la temàtica que trobareu a les pàgines següents.
A nivell de trajectòria personal la introducció i justificació del tema triat passa per elements tan diversos com:
• La importància d’iniciar una nova línia de recerca no històrica, però de suport a treballs anteriors i, lògicament, també posteriors en el camp de la història. Una llicenciatura, una tesi de llicenciatura, una tesi doctoral, llibres, articles,... des de fa quinze anys m he especialitzat acadèmicament en la història moderna del meu poble i de la meva comarca en general. I aquesta dedicació m’ha honorat però no m’era encara del tot satisfactòria. Sovint el camp de la investigació històrica sembla estar parcel·lat en vedats personals, en especialistes d’un únic tema,... que a la llarga poden caure en el perill, utilitzant una metàfora, de “tallar massa llenques d’un mateix pernil fins deixar només l’os”
• En segon lloc, a nivell personal, un diccionari històric d’eines agrícoles no és un trencament total amb la història, sinó que vol proporcionar un material de suport valuós i sovint desconegut a l’anàlisi i interpretació dels fets històrics. Es pot parlar millor d’història agrària o d’economia pre-industrial, per exemple, amb el coneixement de les eines i coses més quotidianes d’aquella feina. I cal recuperar aquestes coses, no escrites, que mai es podran conservar en un arxiu històric, com passa amb els documents escrits, abans de la seva desaparició. La gent que ha usat aquestes eines al llarg dels anys difícilment haurà deixat testimonis d’aquest ús en els arxius històrics. Més aviat aquests fons documentals reflecteixen altres realitats socials pretèrites més minoritàries.
• Per altra banda, cal donar una nova línia editorial a les “Monografies de Vila-seca” per garantir la seva continuïtat i evitar repeticions. Aquells que hem col·laborat en aquestes publicacions des de fa anys com a gestors o com autors tenim aquesta responsabilitat.
• A nivell personal l’enriquiment intel·lectual fora del camp de l’especialització històrica ha estat evident. Sovint es tendeix a confondre cultura amb erudició acadèmica. La generalització de l’educació obligatòria i dels estudis universitaris, amb totes les conseqüències que se n deriven, ens han posat en una superioritat intel·lectual aparent sobre epoques preterites amb menys possibilitats de serveis educatius massius i/o universals. Però les arrels culturals i històriques del nostre poble no estan a les aules, ni a les facultats, ni en algunes monografies històriques que ningú llegeix, sino en 1 immens saber de les generacions passades que han bastit arreu del país una autèntica cultura popular catalana. Paraules, eines, peces, procediments, feines, expressions,... són un valuós patrimoni i suport cultural als coneixements acadèmics teories que va molt més enllà de l’erudició, i que es basa en l’experiència de moltes generacions pretèrites.
• I he volgut també fer un reconeixement a la feina digna dels nostres avantpassats. Agafant tot el pes d’unes graupes o un xapo en un museu o exposició només he pogut apreciar lleugerament la dignitat d aquella gent que els va agafar tota la seva vida a canvi de sofriments i de ben poca cosa més, ja que les economies de subsistència només asseguraven una constant precarietat.
A nivell de poble vila-secà el desenvolupament d’aquest tema pot aportar elements tan diversos a aquesta introducció, i sobretot a la lectura de les pàgines següents, com:
• L’homenatge a una feina generalitzada en un passat no massa llunyà, dura i poc agraïda, però que era el comú denominador i el ciment que unia tot un poble i que el dignificava. Aquell model social i econòmic secular era més noble i més arrelat a la terra dels seus pares, i al país en general, que els actuals models socials triomfants de l’especulador, de l’arribista o del traficant d’informació privilegiada...
• L’anàlisi més profunda d’un període històric intens, iniciat ara fa una trentena d’anys, que a través d’un descontrolat, especulatiu i irracional creixement humà, urbà, industrial, turístic i dels serveis ha deixat la Vila-seca de Solcina dels nostres pares sense terme i sense pagesos, pràcticament reduïda a la condició de ciutat dormitori i massa condicionada pels absorbents nuclis veïns de Tarragona, Reus i Salou. Ja al decenni dels noranta, els efectes de la segregació de Salou i lògicament de la pèrdua consegüent d’una part considerable de terme, la construcció del Centre Recreatiu i Turístic i la ubicació de les enormes i diverses infrastructures annexes, procés que es pot allargar durant molts anys, han corroborat aquest procés irreversible de pèrdues. Per a l’agricultura i per a la propietat agrària, tot recordant el que hi havia i el que queda, el balanç d’aquesta anàlisi és concloentment nefast.
• Un recull d’eines agrícoles històriques pot contribuir a animar noves aportacions etnogràfiques i etnològiques en camps molt interessants, però inèdits a casa nostra. Caldrà anar ràpid. L’inexorable pas del temps pot impedir en un futur no massa llunyà aquesta tasca de recuperació. Aleshores haurem perdut autèntics documents populars, no escrits ni presents als arxius històrics, per a construir la nostra història. Cal recordar que aquest treball no tracta alguns temes tan propers al món de les eines agrícoles com ara les tècniques de conreu o els procediments d’elaboració de les produccions agropecuàries al nostre poble.
A nivell general, un diccionari històric d’eines agrícoles pot estar justificat per contribuir a:
• Aportar més riquesa al vocabulari usual d’aquesta part de Catalunya. Avui tothom té estudis, però el vocabulari que s’usa és cada cop més reduït i més estandaritzat. Els continguts del diccionari que aquí es presenta, i d’altres similars, contribuïen en el passat a construir i diferenciar la personalitat cultural especifica de Catalunya i dels seus pobles. La riquesa lèxica i funcional era enorme. Avui la normalització lingüística és una simple catalanització estandarizada de les cultures forànies dominants, en detriment de la veritable cultura catalana i del fet diferencial català en general.
• I cal impulsar el respecte general cap al sistema econòmic agropecuari iniciat fa uns deu mil anys i que permetia l’equilibri entre l’home i el medi, entre la necessitat d’extreure recursos i els cicles de la natura. Per contra, el sistema industrial dels darrers dos segles, que ha substituït aquella economia de su sistencia, ha generalitzat la misèria per a quatre cinquenes parts de la humanitat, ha trencat l’equilibri social ara inestabilitzat i està posant en perill la futura viabilitat del planeta per l’excessiu consum de recursos d’una minoria.
Per tot això, desitjo que aquests elements d’anàlisi personal, de poble i genera , que formen aquesta justificació i introducció, us endinsin millor en el tema.
IntroductionThe first announcement of the research grant "Dr. Augustine m. Gibert" in 1992 and its subsequent development during that year and in 1993 he tomar to wake up the earliest concerns researchers in the author who writes that, when just as I did about fifteen years that I engaged in historical research and when mistakenly believed to have achieved many of the academic milestones that came within my initial possibilities.I didn't introduce myself to that call, but that I contribute to organize it. This task I was introduced to a new world of research, with historical projection, full of many possibilities that remained practically untouched in regard to our House. So, this introduction to the attached dictionary of historical agricultural tools of Vila-seca is a justification of the work that is presented. There is a mix of personal items, and General village that we can introduce better on the theme that you will find in the following pages.At the level of personal introduction and justification of the chosen subject happens to items as diverse as:• The importance of starting a new line of research is not historical, but support for previous work and, of course, later also in the field of history. A Bachelor's degree, a Bachelor's thesis, a doctoral thesis, books, articles, ... from the last fifteen years I've specialized academically in the modern history of my people and my region in general. And this dedication has honoured but I was still quite satisfactory. Often the field of historical research seems to be planning on personal reserves in specialists of a single topic, ... that in the long run can fall into danger, using a metaphor of "cut too many slices of a ham to leave only the bone"• Secondly, on a personal level, a historical dictionary of agricultural tools is not a total break with history, but you want to provide a valuable support material and often unknown to the analysis and interpretation of historical facts. You can talk about best of agrarian history or pre-industrial economy, for example, with the knowledge of the tools and everyday things that work. And you need to restore these things, not written, you will never be able to keep a historical archive, as happens with the written documents, before its demise. The people who have used these tools over the years hardly have left evidence of this use in historical archives. Rather these documentary reflects other social realities more pretèrites minority.• On the other hand, it is necessary to give a new editorial line in the ' Monographs of Vila-seca "to ensure its continuity and avoid repetition. Those who have worked in these publications for years as managers or as authors have this responsibility.• On A personal level the intellectual enrichment outside the field of the historical specialization has been evident. Often it tends to confuse culture with scholarly erudition. The generalization of the compulsory education and university studies, with all the consequences that arise, we have put in an apparent intellectual superiority over ages preterites with less chance of massive educational services and/or universal. But the cultural and historical roots of our people are not in the classroom, or in the University, or in some historical monographs that nobody reads, but 1 huge know of generations past who have built all over the country an authentic Catalan popular culture. Words, tools, parts, procedures, jobs, expressions, ... are a valuable heritage and cultural support to the academic knowledge theories that goes far beyond the scholarship, and that is based on the experience of many generations pretèrites.• And I wanted to also make an acknowledgement of work worthy of our ancestors. Taking all the weight of a graupes or his corduroy pants in a museum or exhibition I've only been able to appreciate slightly the dignity of those people who are picked up throughout his life in Exchange for suffering and very little else, since the subsistence economies only insured a constant precariousness. At the level of village vila-dry land developing this theme can bring diverse elements in this introduction, and above all in reading the following pages, such as:• A tribute to a work in a not-too-distant past, generalized, tough and a little grateful, but that was the common denominator and cement linking an entire people and the dignified. That social and economic model was more secular and more rooted in the land of his parents, and in the country in general, the current social models in triumph of the speculator, the malevolent judge or the insider dealer in. ..• The deeper analysis of an intense historical period, started now makes some thirty years, that through a riotous, speculative and irrational human growth, urban, industrial, tourism and services has left Vila-seca de Solcina of our fathers without term and without farmers, practically reduced to the status of a dormitory town and too conditioned by the absorbent cores residents of Tarragona, Reus and Salou. In the Decade of the nineties, the effects of segregation of Salou and logically consequent loss of a considerable part of the term, the construction of the Recreation and Tourism Centre and the location of the huge and several adjoining infrastructure, process that can stretch over many years, have corroborated this irreversible process of losses. For agriculture and for the agricultural property, recalling what he had and what remains, the balance of this analysis is conclusively awful.• A compilation of historical agricultural tools can contribute to encourage new contributions and ethnographic museums ' ethnological in fields very interesting, but unreleased in our House. You need to go fast. The inexorable passage of time can prevent a future not too far this recovery task. Then we'll lose authentic popular documents, not written nor present in historical archives, to construct our history. We must remember that this is not some issues so close to the world of agricultural tools such as cultivation techniques or procedures for the elaboration of the productions and fishing in our village.In general, a historical dictionary of agricultural implements may be justified in order to contribute to:• Bring more wealth to the usual vocabulary of this part of Catalonia. Today everyone has Studios, but the vocabulary that is used is increasingly reduced and more formal ones. The contents of the dictionary that is presented here, and other similar, contributed in the past to build and differentiate the specific cultural personality of Catalonia and its peoples. The lexical and functional richness was huge. Today the linguistic normalisation is a simple catalanization estandarizada dominant foreign cultures, to the detriment of the true Catalan culture and differentiating Catalan in general.• And it is necessary to promote the general respect towards the agricultural economic system started about ten thousand years and which allowed the balance between man and the environment, between the need to extract resources and the cycles of nature. On the other hand, the industrial system of the past two centuries, that has replaced that economy of su sistencia, has widespread misery for four-fifths of humanity, has broken the social balance now become unstable and is endangering the future viability of the planet by the excessive consumption of resources of a minority.For all these reasons, I wish that these elements of analysis personnel, people and generates, which form this justification and introduction, we delve into the subject.

The first call for research grant "Dr. Agustin M. Gibert "in 1992 and its subsequent development during that year and in 1993 to take awaken earlier research concerns the author who writes to you that, just as when I was about fifteen years engaged in historical research when upper and mistakenly believed to have achieved many academic achievements came within my chances early.
I did not introduce myself to that call, but precisely I helped organize it. This work introduced me to a new world of research with historical projection, full of many possibilities that remained virtually untouched regarding our house. Thus, the introduction to the accompanying historical dictionary of farming Vilaseca is both a justification of the work presented. They blend personal elements, people and general best we can introduce the topic found on the following pages.
In terms of personal development introduction and justification of the chosen topic through elements such as:
• The importance of start a new line of research is not historical, but supports earlier work and, of course, later also in the field of history. A degree, a dissertation, a doctoral thesis, books, articles ... for fifteen years I m academically specialized in the modern history of my people and my country in general. And this dedication honored me but I could still quite satisfactory. Often the field of historical research seems to be parceled into personal boundaries, specialists in a single subject ... which ultimately can fall into the trap, using a metaphor, "cut from the same dough slices ham bone to leave only "
• Second, on a personal level, a historical dictionary of farming is not a total break with history, but wants to provide material support and valuable analysis and often unknown interpretation of historical facts. Can you talk about best agricultural history or pre-industrial economy, for example, with the knowledge of the tools and everyday things of that work. I must recover these things unwritten, never will retain a historical record, as with documents written before his disappearance. People who have used these tools over the years made it difficult to be witnesses to such use in historical archives. Rather, these documentary bygone reflect other social minority.
• On the other hand, we give a new editorial in "Papers Vilaseca" to ensure continuity and avoid repetition. Those who have worked on these publications for years as managers or authors have this responsibility.
• Personally intellectual enrichment outside the field of historical expertise was evident. Often tends to confuse culture with academic scholarship. The generalization of compulsory education and the university, with all the consequences that derive No, we have put in an apparent intellectual superiority over past times less massive opportunities for educational services and / or universal. But the cultural and historical roots of our people are not in the classroom, nor powers, nor some historical monographs that nobody reads, but in one immense knowledge of past generations who have built throughout the country a true Catalan culture. Words, tools, parts, procedures, jobs, expressions ... are a valuable cultural heritage and support the theories that academic knowledge far beyond the scholarship, which is based on the experience of bygone generations.
• And I also wanted to acknowledge the work of our worthy ancestors. Taking the weight of a graupes xapo or in a museum or exhibition only I could appreciate slightly dignity of those people that took his life in exchange for suffering and very little else, since economies only assured a constant precarious subsistence. A village level Vilaseca developing this theme can bring so many elements to this introduction, and especially reading the following pages, such as: • The tribute to widespread job not too distant past, hard and very grateful, but it was the common denominator and the cement that united the entire people and dignified. That secular social and economic model was more noble and more rooted in the land of their parents and the country in general, the current models of social triumphant speculator, the upstart or insider trading ... • The deeper analysis of an intense historical period, which began thirty years ago, which through an uncontrolled, speculative and irrational human growth, urban, industrial, tourism and services left the Vila-seca de Solcina out without our parents and without farmers, virtually reduced to the status of dormitory and too conditioned by absorbing neighboring towns of Tarragona, Reus and Salou. Since the decade of the nineties, the effects of segregation of Salou and logically consequent loss of a considerable part of the term, the construction of tourist and recreational center and the location of several huge infrastructure annexes, a process that can be extended for many years, have corroborated this process irreversible loss. For agriculture and for land ownership, remembering what was and what is the balance of this analysis is conclusive ominous. • A collection of historical agricultural tools can help to encourage new contributions ethnographic and ethnological fields interesting, but unknown at home. We will have to go fast. The inexorable passage of time can prevent a not too distant future the task of recovery. Then we lost real popular document unwritten present in historical archives or to construct our history. Remember that this work is not about some issues so close to the world of farming such as cultivation techniques or procedures for preparation of agricultural production in our village. In general, a historical dictionary of farming can be justified by contributing to: • provide a richer vocabulary usual in this part of Catalonia. Today everyone has studies, but the vocabulary used is increasingly reduced and standardized. The contents of the dictionary presented here and other similar contributed in the past to build and differentiate specific cultural personality of Catalonia and its peoples. The lexical richness and functional was huge. Today the Catalan linguistic normalization is a simple standardized cultures alien dominant at the expense of true Catalan culture and differentiating Catalan overall. • I must respect general boost to the agricultural economic system began about ten thousand years and allowing the balance between man and his environment, between the need to extract resources and cycles of nature. In contrast, the industrial system of the last two centuries, has replaced its sistencia economy that has widespread misery for four-fifths of humanity has broken social balance inestabilitzat and is now endangering the future viability planet by the excessive consumption of resources of a minority. Therefore, I hope that these elements of personal analysis, and generates village, which form the justification and introduction, you better delve into the subject.