The last chancePopular wisdom says that time heals everything and while it's true that appreciation does not cease to be even more accurate that that adds that after the healing, despite the inevitable scars of pain, everything ends up becoming oblivion. And this has been, and still is, inevitably, the real drama of humanity throughout its history. Because, as also sentence the idioms, for life is lost, and this, we want to or not, is what we see every day when we stop to read the life instinct that makes it possible for human subsistence. And it is precisely this live adelerat to want to catch this tomorrow what we poured, inexorable way, in a frenetic pace that necessarily makes the reflection on the passage of time and the leisurely analysis of its trail-es. empus fugit is the fact of Latinos. And now we even experience in same sense, we run the risk of not having saved enough in the collective memory the secular tradition of some of the trades that-like pages, roadway or ferrer-until few decades ago were still rife in the commercial exchange of large manufacturing sectors. Is this, then, is the last chance that we enjoy to save our own memory, which is why institutions such as 1 Cultural Association of Vila-seca or study centers scattered throughout the geography of Catalonia and well represented in the regions of Camp de Tarragona, are ideal routes and almost essential in this life-saving in-extremis of local Ethnography.Generations passed and in spite of the interrelationships of the time and the desire of men often is to write the best of existence. I did not reference-íeixo just in the museums ' ethnological milestones that have made up the character of the people, nor the features essentially badges and differentials that have profiled the races. I reiereixo only in the simple seed of life that grows as a rotating mirror to reflect with sincerity is inseparable doing and get rid of every day. A life that comes from afar, when the time did not know the time, and all was going well materials while kneading contradictory, just like now. Because in the background everything is a constant today containing, implicitly at the same time, yesterday and tomorrow, in a confluence of sorrows and joys, fatigue and behavior, night sweats, and entertainment, shocks and complaen-ces, loves and hates, hatreds and vendettas, envy and bonhomies. And the man becomes the protagonist — faithful Weaver sometimes, shoddy other times — in the constant effort to go adding the unstoppable loom spinning that plot the great canvas of its history. Our, on the head and at the end, and who will have to live with our children and all those who we will survive.That is why it is important to collect as much as possible the essence of life and protect, as much as you can, your thread. Often, however, we are oddly sudden lack of references and identifying signs of this everyday living. No longer say documents or historical files-this would be a luxury, but simply of everything that has been popular culture over the centuries. And it is precisely in this area where the traditional historiography has capbussat too rarely. The study of history in capital letters has often dazzled the eyes of our researchers and with an apparent intellectual superiority have ceased to corner the deep root that has made getting and gives life, despite all the maltempsades, in the ancient tree of our people.The study today Joseph Morell and Torrademè brings us closer is one of those light rays hopeful who leads that the course of the investigation begins to straighten up and heading towards the safeguarding of all those tools, crafts, procedures, clothing and lexical names that make up what now forms part of the so-called agricultural history and as a result of the pre-industrial economy that has sustained. It is, at least, the last chance to rescue, almost because of forgetfulness, everything, for the simple fact of having been considered as usual and away from home, had not deserved the preferential interest of researchers. It is, in short, of Kairos/teleios/that they said the Greek classics, that is to say, the last chance to save the collective memory of the ancestors and close with dignity this long period of history, initiated precisely by the inhabitants of the ancient hel·làdica culture, continued and enriched later by Latinos and finally inherited by us. I speak, of course, of the ancestral culture of the relia and plow; the mall and the anvil; the cart and the lexicon of carters, which until recently many decades were still common in much of our peoples.Ara, però, l’esforç del salvament etnològic comença a donar alguns fruits destacables amb iniciatives com el Museu de la Vida Rural a l’Espluga de Francolí, el Museu Comarcal Salvador Vilaseca de Reus, Els Cups de Montbrió o bé el més recent Museu Etnològic de les Borges del Camp. Però la veritable font d’informació rau encara en els homes d’ofici, en tots aquells pagesos, carreters o ferrers -ja octogenaris- que han gastat la vida al servei de la feina ben feta. Que han crestallat milers i milers de bancals de conreu amb la simple ajuda de l’aixada, que han empostissat centenars de carros i han llossat milers de relies amb l’ajuda de la fomal o bé han ferrat una munió immensa de mules i eugues. Tots ells són, indiscutiblement, la història viva, aquella que ningú havia pensat d’estudiar perquè cada dia passava per davant amb la mateixa naturalitat del temps viscut. I ara ens adonem de sobte i una mica alarmats que tot allò que havíem vist i sentit milers de vegades ja gairebé forma part del passat més llunyà. I això és semblant -si fa o no fa- a la idea que actualment tenim dels cultius del nostre camp. La crisi de l’avellana ha intensificat de tal manera la constatació d’aquest monocultiu a bona part de les terres del Camp de Tarragona que hom pot arribar a pensar que aquest fruit ha estat, des de sempre, el més important i extès a bona part dels nostres conreus, quan en realitat això no és pas així. El cultiu de la vinya i el comerç de l’aiguardent foren els seus precedents immediats en la majoria de conreus d’aquestes comarques durant gairebé tot el s. xix fins a la crisi de la fil·loxera. També el garrofer era àmpliament extès fins a les gelades del 1956 i, tal com ens diu el metge Agustí M. Gibert, cal deixar constància també que a l’antic terme de Barenys un dels cultius més preponderants havia estat el taronger. I si reculem fins al s. xvm veurem per exemple que a l’antic terme de la Pineda s’hi havia cultivat l’arròs o bé -tal com afirma el viatger il·lustrat Antonio Ponz al seu llibre Viaje de España— a bona part del Camp de Tarragona era abundant el cultiu de la seda. Com veiem, doncs, tot té una relativitat aparent en funció dels fluxos de la història i la voluntat dels qui la viuen a l’hora de deixar-ne testimoni escrit.That is why it is so important to this historical dictionary of agricultural tools of Vila-seca Joseph Morell has worked patiently for some years. An extensive dictionary also in most of the villages that make up the Camp de Tarragona, perhaps with some lexical variations with respect to certain tools but for the most part similar in the whole-not to say almost the same-with regard to neighboring towns such as La Canonja. A dictionary that finally brings together, in a exhautiva and following the tradition of the illustrated dictionary, the definition of each tool, the description of materials of which it is made, its sizes, the techniques of manufacture and use, with the photographic support or the corresponding drawing. All this to make a record, in this last opportunity of the time lived, of all productive tools that have based the so-called, eufemís-back, subsistence economy "or insecurity if we consider agricultural realities that currently lives around the country.A useful book for new generations who no longer know the true meaning of the expression "Live Earth" because they have grown under different omens and new models of commercial exploitation. Also a book necessary in order to have ben gathered the voices and the genuine expressions of the old trades. Joseph Morell has been the catalyst of all conversations listened patiently and all dialogue maintained with the popular wisdom of the old town. Has been able to break the mold of the great history in order to draw in the small pools of Ethnology, cornerstone and is unavoidable in the time to build the large building of the past. Because the story is not just about who makes it but also who writes and, in this particular case that we now occupies, of whom work.Francisco Roig and Queralt.La Canonja, August 1994.