Eines, conreus i partides de terraAllò que condicionava l’ús de determ翻訳 - Eines, conreus i partides de terraAllò que condicionava l’ús de determ英語言う方法

Eines, conreus i partides de terraA

Eines, conreus i partides de terra
Allò que condicionava l’ús de determinades eines era pròpiament el conreu més que la seva localització en determinada partida de terra dels actuals municipis de Salou o de Vila-seca. Per això, resulta difícil qualsevol determinisme geogràfic i ens limitarem a donar unes idees molt generals.
Per exemple, arreu hom usava els arpiots, el fes o el magall per a fer sèquia i colgar-hi diverses coses. Als Prats i a altres zones litorals, el fes s’usava en les sèquies de desguassar, mentre que a les Garrigues, plenes de pedres, sovint es necessitava el fes estret o el magall.
Dintre l’actual terme municipal de Vila-seca, hom podia diferenciar diverses zones, anant des del litoral fins l’interior. Així, en una primera zona, als Prats abundaven els ceps, especialment de les varietats macabeu i pansal, substituïts després per la hortalissa. En aquestes partides de terra costaneres existien també alguns olivers. Específicament, la zona compresa entre el Racó i el Pinar de Perruquet rebia el nom “d’arenes” i corresponia a la partida de Muntanyals, tocant els esmentats Prats. Era ocupada també per ceps i alguns olivers. Cal esmentar que hi havia menys sèquies que als Prats.
En segon lloc, la zona de les pedregoses Garrigues eren terres de garrofers, amb alguns olivers.
Una àmplia tercera zona aniria des de la Carretera Vella fins el terme de Reus. Els ceps, barrejats amb garrofers i/o olivers, ocupaven les partides de terra de la Pineda, el Canal, el Mas d’en Gras, les Franqueses, els Castellots, el Corralet, el Mas de l’Abat, les Comes, la Formiga, la Feredat, la Canaleta, el Pontet, la Viñadera i la Plana, entre d’altres. Específicament, podem assenyalar que al secà de la Pineda hi havia sobretot ceps i olivers, que a la Formiga es plantaren alguns avellaners a causa de la presència de mines d’aigua i que els tomàquets primerencs dels Castellots i de les Comes foren molt apreciats arreu de Catalunya a finals del segle XIX. Per últim, una reduïda zona que comprenia les Illes i els Aragalls, terres regables, era ocupada per hortalissa i avellaners.
L’actual terme municipal de Salou també es podia dividir en diverses zones agrícoles. Segons els nostres informants, les partides de terra del Pla de Maset i de la Censada eren ocupades per ceps, olivers i garrofers, mentre que una altra zona propera, formada per les partides de la Cova, la Cadeneta i la Tossa, estava ocupada bàsicament per garrofers. Aquesta zona més pedregosa continuava cap a l’interior, concretament fins les Garrigues, també ocupades per garrofers i alguns olivers, i la Coma, amb alguns ceps a més dels garrofers. S’hi feia servir sovint el fes estret i el magall.
A més d’algunes sèquies per a desguassar, a les Arenes, terres situades sota els Estanyets, hi havia molts ceps i alguns olivers com a les ja citades “arenes” de Vila-seca; per altra banda, hom trobava avellaners als Estanyets i una mica de tot al Prat d’en Carbó. Els avellaners ocupaven la zona més àmplia i rica, des del punt de vista agrícola, de l’actual municipi de Salou. S’estenien pels Estanyets, la Burguera, la Bassa, Barenys, el Sangolí, els Emprius i el Terrer. Lògicament, tenien altres arbres al seu voltant. Es pot destacar també la importància de l’hortalissa primerenca als Emprius i a la Bassa. Finalment, podem diferenciar un darrer sector, més interior, a nivell d’agricultura històrica, al Corralet, les Parellades i el Pla de les Pomeres amb menys avellaners i més vinya, sempre generalitzant i sense oblidar els altres conreus.
Aquesta breu síntesi d’eines, conreus pretèrits i partides de terra a Salou i a Vila-seca ha de tenir en compte, a nivell molt general:
Primer, que els avellaners ocuparen importants extensions regables des d’una línia imaginària, paral·lela al mar, que anava des de la Mina de la Murtra cap al sud. Posteriorment, amb la construcció de pous, les superfícies de regadiu s’estengueren arreu.
Segon, que els cereals es plantaven arreu del terme, normalment durant els tres o quatre anys posteriors a l’arrencada dels ceps. Tercer, que 1 hortalissa sempre es plantava a les proximitats de les basses de les mines d’aigua. Després de la guerra civil espanyola, la construcció de pous l’alliberà d aquesta servitud geogràfica. Cal dir que els fruiters no eren freqüents a casa nostra.
Quart, que els ceps ocupaven la majoria de terres de secà de 1 actual terme de Vila-seca, particularment des de l’altura dels Emprius cap al nord i a la parti¬da de terra de la Pineda. Cinquè, que els garrofers es trobaven arreu, menys als Prats i a la partida de la Pineda, i eren pràcticament els únics arbres a les Garrigues i a la zona del Cap, excepte al Pla de Maset, on es trobaven barrejats amb d’altres conreus.
I, finalment, quant a conreus pretèrits, cal destacar la presència de vime- teres a les Illes i als Aragalls, i el conreu de l’arròs als Prats i a les arenes en general, encara que ningú n’ha proporcionat referències directes. Sobre aquest últim punt, destaquem que les partides de terra litorals de Salou i de Vila-seca foren en el passat molt treballades, més que d’altres terres situades més a l’interior.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Tools, crops and land gamesWhat condicionava the use of certain tools was properly the cultivation more than its location in particular land base of the current municipalities of Vila-seca or Salou. For this reason, it is difficult for any geographical determinism and we will give you a very general ideas.For example, everywhere we used are arpiots, the check out or magall to make irrigation ditch and colgar-there are several things. In the meadows and in other coastal areas, the Fez was used in the irrigation canals of drain, while in les Garrigues, full of stones, often needed to make narrow or magall.Within the current municipality of Vila-seca, one could differentiate different areas, ranging from the coast to the interior. So, in the first area, the Grasslands abounded the vines, especially of varieties macabeu and pansal, replaced later by the vegetables. In these games of coastal land there were also some olive trees. Specifically, the area between the Corner and the Pinar de Perruquet received the name "sand" and belonged to the departure of Muntanyals, touching these fields. It was also occupied by vineyards and some olive trees. It is worth mentioning that there was less waterways in the meadows.Secondly, the area of the stony Garrigues were lands of carob trees, with some olive trees.A third area go from the Old Road up the term of Reus. The vines, mixed with carob and/or olive trees, occupied the land of la Pineda, the Canal, the Mas d'en Gras, les Franqueses, the Castellots, the Corralet, the House of the Abbot, the Commas, the Ant, the Frightening, the Canaleta, the Pontet, the Viñadera and the plain, among others. Specifically, we noted that the dry land of la Pineda had mainly vines and olive trees, that the Ant is planted some hazelnut trees due to the presence of mines and that the early tomatoes of the Castellots and the Commas were much appreciated throughout Catalonia at the end of the 19th century. Finally, a small area that comprised the Islands and the irrigable lands, Aragalls, was occupied by vegetable and nut.The current municipality of Salou also could be divided into several agricultural areas. According to our informants, the land of Maset plan and the Census were occupied by vines, olive trees and carob trees, while another nearby area, formed by the games of the cave, the Chain and the Tossa, was occupied primarily by carob trees. This Rocky area continued towards the inside, specifically up les Garrigues, also occupied by carob trees and a few olive trees, and the Coma, with some mushrooms as well as the carob trees. It was often used to make narrow and magall.In addition to some irrigation canals to drain, at les Arenes, lands located under the Estanyet, there were many mushrooms and some olive trees as those already cited "arenas" of Vila-seca. on the other hand, we found the hazels Estanyet and a bit of everything in the Prat d'en Carbo. The hazels were the most extensive and rich, from the agricultural point of view, of the current town of Salou. Extended by Estanyet, the Burguera, the pond, the Emprius, the Sangolí and the Barenys Terroir. Of course, had other trees around it. You can also highlight the importance of early vegetables in Emprius and in the pond. Finally, we can differentiate one last sector, more inland, at the level of historical farming in Corralet, les Parellades and plan of the Apple trees with less hazels and vineyards, always generalizing and without forgetting the other crops.This brief synthesis tools, crops and land games gone in Salou and in Vila-seca must take into account, to very general level:First, that the hazels occupied important irrigable extensions from an imaginary line, parallel to the sea, which went from the Myrtle mine to the South. Later, with the construction of wells, irrigated surfaces spread everywhere.Second, that the cereals are planted all over the place, usually in three or four years after the start of the vines. Third, 1 vegetable will always be planted in the vicinity of the ponds of water mines. After the Spanish civil war, the construction of wells and released of this geographical servitude. It must be said that the fruit trees were not common in our House.Fourth, that the vines were occupying most of the dry lands of the current municipality of Vila-seca, particularly since the height of the Emprius to the North and to the land of the parti da € Pineda. Fifth, the carob trees were everywhere, less in the meadows and in the game of la Pineda, and were virtually the only trees in les Garrigues and in the area of the head, except the plane of Facade, where they were mixed with other crops.And, finally, with regard to crops gone, it is worth mentioning the presence of vime-teres to the Islands and to Aragalls, and the cultivation of rice in the meadows and in the sands in general, although no one has provided direct references. On this last point, we emphasize that the coastal land of Salou and Vila-seca were in the past very worked, rather than from other lands placed further inside.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Tools crops and land games
What condition the use of certain tools was itself growing more than its starting location in certain land or the existing municipalities of Salou Vila-seca. Therefore, it is difficult any geographic determinism and we will just give a very general ideas.
For example, we used throughout the arpiots the time or hoe to make ditch and buried there several things. Prats and other coastal areas, the beam used in drain ditches, while Garrigues, full of stones, often needed the narrow beam or hoe.
Within the current municipality of Vila-seca, one could distinguish different areas, ranging from the coast to the interior. Thus, in a first area, Prats abundant stocks, especially the varieties Macabeo and Pansal, later replaced by vegetable. In these games there were also some olive coastal land. Specifically, the area between the corner and the Pinar Perruquet was called "sand" and corresponded to the starting Muntanyals touching the said Meadows. It was also occupied by olive trees and some vines. It should be mentioned that there was less than in drains Meadows.
Secondly, the area of land was rocky Garrigues carob, with some olive trees.
A third broad area go from the Old Road until the end of Reus. The vines, mixed with carob and / or olive, occupied the land of items Pineda Channel, Mas d'en Gras Franqueses, the Castellots the Corralet, Mas Abad, Comes the Ant, the frightening, Canaleta, the Pontet, and the Viñadera Plana, among others. Specifically, we noted that the dry Pineda was particularly vines and olive trees, which were planted some Ant hazel due to the presence of mines and water Castellots of tomatoes early and were very popular around Comes Catalonia at the end of the nineteenth century. Finally, a small area that included the islands and ARAGALL, irrigated land was occupied by vegetable and hazelnut.
The current municipal Salou could also be divided into several agricultural zones. According to our informants, items Maset ground Plan and the census were occupied by vines, olive and carob trees, while another nearby area, consisting of the items of the Cave, the Chain and Tossa was occupied primarily by carob. This more rocky area continued inward, specifically to Garrigues also occupied by some carob and olive trees, and Coma, with some stocks plus carob. They often used the narrow beam and hoe.
Besides some ditches to drain at the Sands, ground beneath the Estanyets, there were many vines and olive trees as some already mentioned "sand" Vila -seca; On the other hand, one was to Estanyets hazelnut and a little of everything in the Prat Coal. Hazel occupied the most extensive and rich, from the agricultural point of view, the current town of Salou. Estanyets extended by the Burguera, Bassa, Barenys the Sangolí, Emprius and the earth. Logically, had other trees around. You can also emphasize the importance of early vegetable Emprius and Bassa. Finally, we can distinguish a last sector, more internal level agricultural history, the Corralet, the Parellades and Plan of Pomeres less hazelnuts and grapes, not to mention the always generalizing and other crops.
This brief synthesis tools, and games of bygone farming land in Salou and Vila-seca must take into account a very general level:
First, hazel occupied important extensions irrigated from an imaginary line parallel to the sea, ranging from Mine south of Myrtle. Later, with the construction of wells, surface irrigation spread everywhere.
Secondly, cereals are planted all over the place, usually for three or four years after the start of the stocks. Third, one vegetable that always stood in the vicinity of the mine water ponds. After the Civil War, the construction of wells freed of the bondage of this geography. It must be said that the fruit was not common in our house.
Fourth, the vines occupied most dryland current term of one Vilaseca, particularly from the height of Emprius north and the parti¬da Pineda land. Fifth, the carob trees were everywhere, Prats and at least part of the Pineda and were practically the only trees in Les Garrigues and the Cape area, except Maset Plan, where they were mixed with other crops.
And finally, in terms of bygone crops, include the presence of vime- teres in the Balearic and ARAGALL, and rice cultivation in meadows and arenas in general, but has provided no direct references. On this last point, we note that the items of coastal land of Salou and Vila-seca were very worked in the past rather than from other lands located further inland.
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