c)  A la part més alta de la finca, per evitar els efectes de la pluja翻訳 - c)  A la part més alta de la finca, per evitar els efectes de la pluja英語言う方法

c) A la part més alta de la finca,

c) A la part més alta de la finca, per evitar els efectes de la pluja, es feien les garberes al mig del camp amb vàries garbes centrals i moltes de laterals al seu voltant en forma de circumferència. Al damunt s’en posaven dues o tres d’ajagudes per a fer pendent i altres fent de “teulada” amb l’espiga cap a fora per a escupir l’aigua en cas de pluja, de forma transversal a les anteriors. Així es protegia el gra de possibles pluges. Les garberes estaven separades entre elles. Algunes permetien omplir el carro.
Això permetia conservar millor el blat. També per aquest motiu, la part de la tija sense espiga s’encarava al lloc de procedència de les tempestes. Durant uns dies, les messes s’assecaven.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
c) in the highest part of the estate, to avoid the effects of rain, were the garberes in the middle of the field with several Central garbes and many of the sides around them in the form of circumference. Above is in put two or three of ajagudes for slope and others making "roof" with the PIN out for spit at him the water in case of rain, in a transversal to the above. So it protected the grain of possible rain. The garberes were separated from each other. Some allowed fill the cart.This enabled them to preserve better the wheat. Also for this reason, the part of the stem without spike was addressed to the place of origin of storms. For a few days, the messes are dried.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
c) At the top of the building to avoid the effects of rain, were made ​​Garbo in midfield with several central and sheaves many sides around in a circle. Above s'en put two or three to make lying down slope and doing other "roof" with the ear to spit out water in case of rain, in a cross from the previous. Thus protected the grain of possible rains. The Garbo were separated them. Some allowed to fill the tank.
This allowed better preserve wheat. Also for this reason the part of the stem without spike confronts the place of origin of storms. For a few days, the harvest dried.
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